VOPIUM Make cheap international calls

Vopium a Danish mobile VoIP service has introduced its amazing offer for international calling. In normal circumstances when you call your relatives or a friend based in any other country you get roaming charges, however with Vopium solution you can slash your phone bills significantly as it works independent of networks or operators. Vopium allows you to save up to 90% when making international calls or sending SMS from your mobile phone in your home country - and this without changing your current operator or SIM-card. You pay your mobile provider for a local call and Vopium for the international call. With Vopium WiFi you can even make 100% free calls and avoid roaming charges when abroad.

Vopium is a free software application which is installed on your mobile phone. Here is how you get it on your phone

STEP 1 you send a message "Get" to +447781480717.

Step 2 you receive a SMS text message with a link to the application. You download by clicking on the link or opening it via options. The download typically takes less than a minute.

Once installed you are entitled to use 30 Minutes free and 100 SMS

When you call through Vopium, it re-routes your call as a local call to a Vopium gateway and then via premium global traffic carriers to ensure top-notch voice quality. You pay your mobile provider for a local call and Vopium for the international add-on. Vopium is compatible with more than 600 handsets in the market across Java, RIM, Symbian, Windows Mobile and iPhone. Vopium WiFi users can even make 100% free calls and avoid roaming charges when abroad. It also offers its new users 30 minutes free calls and 100 free SMS for trial. Vopium will always detect the cheapest possible solution for you. When traveling, Vopium will detect that you are roaming on a foreign network and will disable itself because Vopium might not be the cheapest possible solution. However, if you are calling non-EU destinations you will still save a lot of money by using Vopium. In such cases, it'll still be of great advantage to you to use Vopium, even abroad.

At the moment the service is available in Europe, America and Australia and offers special call packages to India with 400 free minutes and CALL TURKEY PACKAGE which give 500 minutes to Turkey for only EUR 12.95.

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Vopium also offers a Synchronization facility as well. It backs up a user’s contacts and calendar direct to their online Vopium account. If a user loses their phone, all they need to do is log on to their Vopium account and retrieve their saved contacts and calendar items. They can also log into their online account at any time and edit contacts and calendar items.

You can find more information about downloading the Vopium application and start making cheaper international calls from their website here. iphone developer

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      Anonymous said...

      Good to see the International call market for mobiles getting competitive as its been extremely pricey for years - way over the odds for most people.

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